My father in law lent me this nice No5 handplane that once belong to my wife's grandfather. It didn't work very well and was covered under quite a bit of grease/dust/sawdust. The handplane guy at Lee Valley pointed me to a PDF with a template to make new Stanley/Record handplane handles. I used a bit of scraps from the loom project. The knob had to be improvised because I don't have a lathe. The results are fine, and now that the plane is clean, sharpened and tuned, it seems to work very well. On a test board, I got some nice and fluffy shavings and what appears to be on its way to a glass-like surface.
Here is a picture of the plane, after restoration:
Mackay heirloom plane with shiny new tote and knob. |
I still have and use my Record #5. I got mine from my father. Looking forward to reading further posts.